When I really worry about something,I don't just fool around.
I even have to go to the bathroom when I worry about something.
Only, I don't go.I'm too worried to go.
I don't want to interrupt my worrying to go
My job is kind of done.
Seriously you should be glad she has way more tolerance than me. Thank your lucky stars Thank God for being so kind to you Thank everyone Thank fate. Her tolerance level is like through the roof like okay let's say her tolerence level is 10, mine would be -infinity. which means negative of infinity which is really low.
Which means that if this actually happens to me, you'd be so screwed up in the next few minutes i swear you would rather lose your limbs.
But bazhangs have no limbs! Hmm.
I hope you know what is a hypocrite. Because in my opinion, you use that word wayyyy too many times already. Infact, i would say you are one yourself. And when i figure out how to lock onsugars, i swear i would post so many vulgarities at you your EYES. WOULD. DRIP. BLOOD.
Okay when the truth comes to light, and if i ever get a chance to scream at your face, just know that i will. Because she is my friend but you however, made me unfriend you. Therefore people whom i've been forced to unfriend shall just die a horrible death. There is a reason why i really hate you you know.
On a much much much lighter note, today was funny. It was freaking funny! And yes i want to screw yvonne :( We could've gone out :( Nevermind some other day :D and and and hmm let's see what else.
Oh okay i've been about 67% transformed into a nerd. This is what i did to accelerate the transformation.
- Rush to physics period and Emath lessons (because nerds rush to class)
- Recite chinese idioms and proverbs w sylvia while walking down to the canteen (because nerds talk nerd-language)
- Push up imaginary specs while answering teachers' questions. Or at least, trying to answer. (because nerds wear specs and are super enthu to answer questions)
- Go for a second round of stationery shopping (because a nerd can never have too many stationery!)
:) HAHAHAHAHAHHA. i am so succeeding in being a nerd!
Can't wait for tomorrow- Chinese! CME test! Bio! All the things that i, the nerd, would soooooooo look forward too!
But the unnerdified side of me goes- Payback! Revenge! Lit play! - all happening tomorrow, can't bloody wait!!!