Monday, August 09, 2010



One shouldn't be too hard on oneself
when the object of one's affection
returns the favour with rather less enthusiasm
than one might have hoped


Ndp YAY WE ARE SINGAPORE, SINGAPOREANS. I hate it when people cut Singapore to S'pore, and then to spore, without the apostrophe. Hello, there is a need for the diacritic mark, if not we'll be going 'we are spore spore spore' and then they'd be like, 'spore? ..Fungi?', get the drift..? Yes i hope you do, and please learn from it o's (oral) is coming :(

Anyway, i know nobody is going to read this now since everyone's busy mugging for prelims, i am proud (as well as distressed, perplexed, worried, irked) to say that hey, i haven't started for prelims except one theme of SS! Aaaaand obviously i picked the easier theme- VENICE.

I have a pressing pressing pressing question on my mind that keeeeeps pressing me when i attempt to recite how Venice rose, peaked, and fell. LIKE WHY SHOULD I GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HOW VENICE GOT TOO COMPLACENT WITH THEIR AFFLUENT LIFESTYLE AND DECIDED NOT TO GIVE THEIR RAT'S ASS SHIT ABOUT THEIR TRADE ROUTES AND ALL THAT SHIT. I mean- Doge Pierto II Orseolo?? Doge ENRICO DANDALOLO~ They vaguely sound like lyrics to waka waka. My ass, not giving a shit bout this.

I would love to visit Venice though, before it drowns.

So, it's Monday. And prelims are.. less than a day away. I don't know what to make of Time anymore. Don't want it to get closer, but on the other hand i can't wait for it to be over and gone. Gone and over. Don't want to get any closer to Prelims; i'm in an uncomfortable enough proximity as it is. So help me God (OH LOOKEY HERE I JUST QUOTED BOB, EWELL!)

Yay now i shall attempt to self-evoke feelings for Tom Robinson and Boo Radley for they are poorly oppressed people of Maycomb Society, everbody go *awwwwh*

Haaaappy National Day Singapore! I am truly proud to be a Singaporean :) I'm proud to be a S'porean as well. Yes, even a Sporean, from Spore ooh look mushrooms :O :O :O

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