Sunday, February 22, 2009

Arwen, Fairies, Elves,

Arwen, pretty pretty, arwen. I'd give anything just to go into Warhammer Kingdom and take the place of arwen. Why, i'd even go to Rohan and fight battles and laugh with the Lady of the forest. Life here in the middle earth is too tough. So tough that i have to take temporary precautions like deluding myself into lotr world without Worries, Troubles, Problems, Emotions and whatnot. I can't help feeling as if i'm curling up in a corner in an imaginary sphere, untouchable. I feel sucked into the alternate reality of what i create, and it feels so good to be there. But there's always the sad parts, there's always tear-jerking moments, there's always, the end. I don't like endings. Makes my head spin. Once or twice there may be something beautiful in endings, but most endings are like shit.

and Because in the end, i wake up.

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