Wednesday, October 14, 2009



Because that's when things start going wrong, you know?
Where your head thinks and it thinks and it starts to
spin and spin and spin
and of course, you can't make it stop.


Funny how much things change in the blink of an eye. I mean, one moment you're happy, one moment you finally think you're going to be okay and the next, the next you're questioning everything.

One moment you have someone and the next they're gone. And I suppose it makes sense, I mean seasons change, and nothing lasts forever. I just wish that for once it would.

But we all know.. wishes don't come true.


Today was exhausting. I finally got to play pool again though, after like a billion years i suppose. Besides, sha and deanna are really good for people who just started, seriously. And sylvia being sylvia... had her funny moments heehee.

I'm really tired, goodnight.

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