Monday, September 06, 2010





I love you,
and I will love you until I die,
and if there is life after that,
I’ll love you then.


An attempt at a decent post. Hopefully when i press publish the post will BE PUBLISHED. So anyway, i was suppose to get a sushi treat later however :( how sad. My sad life. At home. *hint hint DEANNA* 

Apparently i am to be studying now? Sorry not happening.

The font on macbook is really really nice. BYE COMPAQ NEVER GOING BACK TO YOU AGAIN :) I HAVE BEEN... APPLEFIED! According to celine. Inventor of that supposed supercool word. 

Hahahaha i'm gonna get a polaroid soon and then i don't have to waste time uploading and printing stuff. Yay to 21st century, mother of new age technology.


Are you following me?” she asks, but doesn’t meet my gaze. 
“Yeah,” I say. 
I give her the only honest and true answer I have. “You’re where I want to be.



I want to say somewhere: I’ve tried to be forgiving. And yet. There were times in my life, whole years, when anger got the better of me. Ugliness turned me inside out. There was a certain satisfaction in bitterness. I courted it. It was standing outside, and I invited it in.

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