Thursday, October 30, 2008


I think i've mia-ed for too long, eh?
haha its time to come back and blog some understandable posts.

i need someone to go out with me tmr! its the only free day of my week :D


okay i know this is a little late,

to 2.1, thank you for the memories. Sitted in a vague circle, blantly talking about our fond childhood shows, games, days.. and laughing over the silliest and simplest things - i realised tht i didn't need the high life to be happy, and bigger isn't always better, and sometimes only friends can make us the happiest.

you guys have shown me the kind of love i won't easily forget, here's to 2 years, and the last time we'll be this way.

I'm sorry i can't steal you, i'm sorry i can't stay.
So i'll put bandaids on your knees, and watch you fly away.

I look into the sky
And I have to ask why
She'd go and leave me
Oh, why do feelings have to die
Is it all just a sign
Of what its meant to be

Well I'm just too excited
The end of this can be sighted
She's overdue for a breakout
I better go, she blows my brains out
Silence is a scary sound

I'm torn up inside
There's a hole on my mind
When you're not next to me
So I hope you choke and die
On every single lie
Let you feel what you've done to me
come back now!

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