Friday, May 11, 2007

quiz :DD

1.Have you ever use a penknife to cutyourself?

- no, i think its stupid.

2.Why did you do it?

- i said, NO. i THINK ITS STUPID. are you dumb or what.

3.Have you been to another country w/o parents.

- yeah. beijing:D it was fun.. really fun.

4.Who do you love right now?

- someone :D

5.Do you believe in love at first sight?

- yeah.. i guess.

6.Ever felt so jealous of your friend?

- i guess so! im sorry D:

7.What was the last thing you did?

- talk on the phone.. wait. im still talking :D

8.What is the past that you miss alot?

- Times with celine, hui shan, joy and ms neesa. D:

9.Who was the last person you ate with?

- i havent eaten..

10.How many times has your page been viewed?

- don't know, don't care.

11.How's the weather right now?

- sunny! (:

12.Last person you called?


13.Last person who called you?

- CELINEEEE! im still talking :DD

14.Last song you sang?

- Everything back but you by avril lavigne :D i wish you were her, you left out the E, you left
without mee! :DD

15.Last time u danced?

- yesterday :D

16.Lost a friendship over something stupid?

- yeah.. I.T right althea? BUT ITS O-K-A-Y NOW!! ((: and im happy:D


- no.. i heard tht if you smoke, ur hair drops. like, WHO WANTS TO DROP HAIR?!

18.Dumped someone before?

- all the time. im not sorry for doing it. its fun! saddisticly.. i mean.

19.Been really depressed before?

- YEAHHHHHH. of cos!

20.Faked being sick to miss school?

- are you asking the obvious?

21.What time did you wake up today?

- 6.31am. im so DETAILED! :DD

22.Current taste?

- milo? i dun get this.. im drinking milo btw.

23.What sports do you do?

- NETBALL <33 and i jog?

24.What are you wearing right now?

- my brown O.P shirt and red FBTs..

25.Are you too shy to ask anyone out?


26.What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?


27.Where are you now?

- Home D:

28. What date is it?

- 110507

29.Current thoughts?

- What that person is doing D:

30.Did you go somewhere yesterday?

- uhh.. school, I.T lab after that with sylvia, DOR, AC and adear.. then HOMEE! :D

31.What do you do there?

- sch : study?LOL!

I.T lab : did my proj.. okay maybe not.. like 3quaters of the time i was.. playing xD E.g the
beautiful snow and the ugly mud = 94% :D see! snow is beautiful! ((:

home : eat dinner and study lorr.

32.How old are you?

- 12 D: going 13 in oct oh-kayy.

33.Are you mature or immature?

- With the people i hang out with, like sylvia and sarajane, then i can be counted as immature.
but im actually, truthfully, LUCKILY, mature :DD

34.Are you an only child?

- NO, I would more than happy to be ((:

35.Where do you go shopping?

- uh.. far east, bugis, taka, whisma, heeren, etc.. anywhere that is nice ((:

36.Do you like your school?

- PL ROCKS! i think..

37.Do you like books?

- yes. YES. yes. :DD

this is nice.. haha!


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