Monday, September 01, 2008


Emotions are merely symptoms. They've no relevance in themselves.

Antagonism is a part of us, we fight for something we love and whatever fights against this, we deject and oppose against with hate. Not always of course. One 'fights' to make everything appear consistent with one's sense of 'order'.

But as we exercise our human rationality more deeply, we become capable of a benevolent and thoughtful kind of love, in which we go beyond our own needs and wants and love what is good for others and not just ourselves. We do so through the virtues of justice and friendship. This kind of love was called "amor benevolentiae."

amor benevolentiae,


with this,

i shall depart from my ever inconsistent blogging,

and turn my unruly focus,

to books and starbucks and what not,

in an extent to raise my grades,

so long.

oh and if you didn't understand the first 2-3 paragraphs of this post,

you're either jia xuan or sylvia

or you're not an intellectual like me,
who uses profound analytical thinking,
deeply involved in abstract erudite ideas and theories.
oh yeah and the previous 2 lines were from wiki.


hugs and kisses

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