Wednesday, September 03, 2008


oys, today, oys TODAY!

i have a date today!

i have a date today with my mama!



's really cool cuz she's treating me to a movie.

and we're going to amk hub.

for like my 100th time.

okay oh did i mention?

my mama got me into a NC16 movie.

HAHAHAHAHA yes she was nagging and bargaining with the stupid ticket seller

at cathay.

and she really rocks my socks okay
i love her to bits and pieces!



Do you remember the time we used to spend
Doing what we used to do back then
But the only thing that’s different now
You won’t admit your love, that’s if you’ll love me again

Everytime I close my eyes
The visions reappear
And when I wake up your not there
Could you fall in love with me again
Cause all I see is you

Everytime I close my eyes
When you look at me I wish you were mine once again
Cause now I love you more than I did then

And I’m hopin’ that we can mend it all back
That when we’re together the spark is there
And the flame comes back

'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life

i need to go out soon,
study date with love tmr!

hugs and kisses

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