Sunday, April 26, 2009


This is going to be one of my ranting post. If you don't like it then skip it. It's that simple.

  1. I don't like school.
  2. I don't like SYF.
  3. I don't like common tests.
  4. I don't like feeling broke. (Okay this is just random)
  5. I don't like lying.
  6. I don't like lying to myself.
  7. I don't like cheating.
  8. I don't like cheating myself.
  9. I am fat.
  10. I don't like studying.
  11. I don't like chemistry.
  12. I don't like not liking chemistry.
  13. I don't like the MOLE concept.
  14. I don't really like physics too.
  15. Physics is easier but still..
  16. I don't like chinese.
  17. I think CHINESE and CHEMISTRY suck BIG BALLS.
  18. Maybe i hate things that start with C.
  19. Like Cheating.
  20. Like Cotton wool.
  21. I hate Cotton wool.
  22. Then again, i love cotton on.
  23. Okay i don't like MOST things that start with C.
  24. I will never ever marry a guy who's name starts with C.
  25. :(
  26. I don't like growing closer to people.
  27. I don't like getting emotionally attached to people.
  28. I doubt i'm a people person.
  29. Okay i take that back.
  30. I don't like liking a person and then not liking a person. (It's the same person)
  31. In short, i don't like being fickle.
  32. But i just am.
  33. So deal with it.
  34. I don't like today.
  35. Neither did i like yesterday.
  36. Nor the day before.
  37. I feel morbid.
  38. I don't like feeling morbid.
  39. I am doing a v.stupid thing instead of doing other more productive stuff.
  40. Actually i can't do productive stuff.
  41. Reason being : I'm not in the correct emotional state to. (I don't want to hear your comments shut up)
  42. So now i feel handicapped.
  43. All because of my feelings and emotions.
  44. I saw 11:11 today tgth with Girlfie.
  45. I made a wish.
  46. Wanna know my wish?

Okay i'm ending abruptly. I'm not gonna tell you my wish. Cuz it didn't come true. It won't come true. I hate making wishes that i know won't come true. So why do i even wish for that then. Sometimes, i truly disgust/amuse myself.

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