Monday, June 25, 2007



officially MUGGING. like ohshit. my dad has another way of putting it. he says i have to "LOG" this term. ah heck. yes i am gg to get good grades this term. whether anyone likes it or not. and yes i am quite pissed okay. some person, SOME person made me so pissed.

yes i know my heart shattered 1234567890 times can. and i know that i am a gullible girl and i deserve to get hurt this way. yesyes oh just shutup and listen to my gliberish. and i know its all my fault yeah. im in a baaaaaaaad mood now and im sure you would love to know why.

thankyou for reading all this crap.
you can give yourself a pat on the back.
and tell yourself that you are definitely in a
mood then this poor phatethic ISABEL.

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