Tuesday, June 26, 2007



i have a FLU HELLOH?! andand you know WHERE I got it from?! SARAJANE'S HOUSE pfffffffffffftt. ah. but it was fun. i think..

okay i tell you the whole story. is like we were suppose to go eat ball right.. then instead we went to the playground and saw abby tht grp. so we stayed with them there until they got band. then me, sj, sylvia, jolyn and michelle stay at the bench to do hw. in the end decided to go sj house.

THEN.. this gets real stupid. her sister was sleeping downstairs(luckily) then we tip toe up. then dunno what happen, took all soughts of videos with sylvia. and then i tried to crack her phone code and she tried mine, AND IN THE END, both of our phone keypad got locked and even the REAL code couldnt get in. so she called SINGTEL and i called M1.

and in the end we just had to wait like half an hour then type in again then our phones can work --

then took alot more videos and did a "variety show" SJ was the host and it was damn stupid laa. we were fighting over a PIG. HAHAHAHA. okay if you want the video go ask SJ. :D

yesyes. today is kinda a good day..


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