Monday, June 25, 2007

yes im posting for the 3rd time.

yesyes im posting for the 3rd time today.

okay i got this of my friend's father's friend's blog. SO THERE. imma suppose to write what pleases and pisses my friends. (disclamer : its all not true. no offence!)

please : let her get the limelight and boost her ego-ness.
piss : tell her tht you are more retarded and can be high-er than her.

please : CROSS YOUR FINGERS BEHIND YOUR BACK and get ready to tell her a speech that goes something like "sylvia, yes you are innocent and pretty and you are better than anyone! and YES I AM JELOUS" then walk away muttering "my foot".
piss : hit her real hard and run away, making sure she can't find you.

please : again, cross your fingers behind your back and tell her she is the greatest and she will earn lots of money when she grows up and agree with her that hui shan is evil and isabel is retarded.
piss : have a penis,act stupid and tell her you are in love with her.

hui shan
please : play maple 24/7 in sickness and in health, in richness or poor, in death do you and maple part.
piss : ah? i dunno actually.. but if see her giving you that stare, you know your in deeeeep shit.

amanda chong
please : bring her to someone named sylvia.
piss : go for that someone named sylvia.

AHA. i am 8564948458 times happy.

loves, isabel

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