Friday, March 02, 2007

its not there.

MYGAWD. my head hurts, i feel broken, i can't smile. very soon, im gna loose my life for good.

i feel sick. maybe i AM sick. i just dun wanna acknowledge the fact. the fact. its always the fact. i hate school. i hate the com. i hate everything now. because of the fact. im regretting, letting it slowly all fade away. no. it had better fade away fast.

fast. faster then depression. just forget. forget. can i? maybe not. FORGET. PLEASE. let me forget ALL about the fact. let me live life just the way i wan it to be ; simple. i dun wan any miscommunications. i wan me, to loose my memory. i wanna die. i feel like dying. no. i can't die. i'll live, live to make sure that the fact changes.

will the fact EVER change then? no. i don't really think so. im just rambling here. feeling so lost, and i can't help it.

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