Wednesday, November 25, 2009



Jesus, I pray
Take all my mistakes
Throw them away
Destroy them for my sake


I'm ducking exhausted okay. Today was just one rush after another and i seriously, seriously have this affinity for birds okay. I saw this super colourful bird it was like red and blue and it was just standing near the handbell room motionless.

Obviously i thought it was injured right.

And then when i got my teacher up, the stupid bird 'woke up' and flew away. Stupid bird.

Okay i'm so tired i'm going to sleep now. Hope tmr will be a perfect day :)

Oh and i've decided to start trying to attend Sunday service again. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am so proud of myself. LOL. Interesting.........................

OH and my bro made me create an aran acc. Great. Hi maple, we meet again.

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