Tuesday, November 03, 2009

My sister's keeper


I started sending you a note on how I hope that you’re happy.
I hear you're somewhere in the sand,
and how I wish I was an ocean.
Maybe then I'd get to see you again.

So, My sister's keeper was.......... damn funny. Actually i was pre-warned that it was a waterworks show therefore haha idk what got over me and i just couldn't cry. :O

And i love daiso. It has the best steals everrrrrrrrr :)

But the performance was ......................... :O :( :O :( saddddd. Oh well. I am xxxxxxxxxxxtremely tired now and i can't wait to sleep but i still have my lit essay(s) to do and all the sin cosin graphs to draw oys save me!!


Most people are other people.
Their thoughts are someone elses' opinions,
their lives a mimicry,
their passions a quotation.

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