Saturday, November 28, 2009



Where do i sign up for another empty thrill?
The present is nonexistent, the future is the past.
The black on black and shades of gray are failing to contrast.
So watch me as I fall away from everything I should be.
My hopes and dreams present themselves,
but I can barely see.


I'm a super happy girl today :) I LOVE MACAROOOOOOOOOOONS :D

Haha i love the rose flavour omg their so awesome! I tried all the flavours but apparently there's more in the states (as usual). Saaaad.

The coming week will be a busybusy one. However, unlike all my other busybusy weeks, this week will be full of fun :D can't wait can't wait! I'm going to escape! (Technically) :)

Heeheeeeeee. Okay my happiness will fade off tmr but in the meantime,


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