Sunday, November 15, 2009

Your heart is an empty room


Then looking upwards I strain my eyes and try
To tell the difference between shooting stars and satellites
From the passenger seat as you are driving me home.


I didnt even see it, but the wave came and crashed. To compare myself with a broken boat will be far off and an exaggeration, for I dont think this is broken. But Im pretty sure this is drifting.

Actually, I should have seen it coming, no?

This morning felt like a bomb, a little ripple effect, a little dejavu and too familiar for comfort. I cannot expect anything out of anyone at all. Because expecting anything out of anyone would be redundant.

People come, give you false hope then crush you by vanishing in an instant. Thats all people do.

I'm sorry i've wasted good pictures. Then again, why feel sorry when you can feel so much more?

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