Sunday, November 08, 2009



You didnt care about me,
you dont destroy people you care about


So, Deanna and Alison's confirmation was pretty.. interesting. The priest sang every word and all their songs were hymns. Nevertheless, Alison and Deanna looked so pretty in their dresses! And omg Alison didn't wear a..... hmm!

The afterparty was fine, food was nice, games were funny.

Came back to a house full of people and like, some whom i've not met for like 5 years. Sylvia stayed over so i guess it made things better and i didn't have to go face my fears alone LOL. Still, nothing interesting happened, which is not very unusual because nothing interesting happens at all. It's like their on a different planet. Urgh.

Okay and then she marathoned L word, finally following the storyline instead of skipping to the lesbo porn parts :D And we threw marshmellows at Marina because she was disgusting eew. Then i gave up halfway and sleptttt.

Church was fun :) We just stayed in the office playing charades on my phone :D Which felt 10000x better than going for cluster.

Now i'm going to watch The L Word until the episode 7/8 or where sylvia stopped and then i'll watch The OC YAYZZZ! Eggciteddd.


He wasn't what I'd thought he was;
maybe he never had been.
But I wasn't what I thought I was, either

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