Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bigeastation- Station of the heart

Am very very depressed and sad now and maybe a bit suicidal (LOL kidding). I almost cried when i heard/saw dbsk's bigeaststaion 144's last broadcast. It is super sad. Changmin didn't even talk much :( And most of the time it was just Jaejoong and junsu talking, or yoochun. A bit of yunho. Whyyyyyy stupid 11:11 wishes don't come true, or haven't come true yet!

Oh btw, look at my new and improved short little paragraph about me! >>>>> On the right there above the tagboard. HAHAHAHAHA :)

Whatever. DBSK HWAITING :)

ps: normal post comes next. Let me recover from my bitterness and sadness of this world :(

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