Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Miraculous Victory & Defeat


the darker the walls,
the brighter the sky outside.


Heeydeehooo. It's frigging Tuesday! Haha and i am bored. Okay maybe i'll post more today or smth. I have accomplished nothing over the holidays in terms of studying and whatever crap but i definitely had fun and maybe a little too much. It feels like i've just finished o's and have been going out everyday when in fact, o's aren't here yet.


Okay today marks my 2nd day throughout this whole hol that i'm staying at home. The first day was horrific. I felt like the whole world outside died :O Therefore, i shall just spend my day texting and watching tv and maybe if i feel sucidal i'll call someone or smth.

K and what kind of a variety show names itself 'miraculous victory and defeat?' It doesn't even make sense la LOL. At least they had a DBSK special. :) Hahaha. OH AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNSU! You have now shifted up one level and i like you better than changmin now :D Hahaha winnie, i realise changmin doesn't say much. LOL.

K b4 i break out into anymore of my annoying kpop rant, bye!

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