Monday, December 28, 2009

From now on, non related posts are called Normal Posts


If I'd been someone else in a different world
I would have done something different,
but I was myself and the world was the world,
so I was silent.


Hahaha I'm learing how to seperate the Kposts and almost-non Kposts from each other so anti-kpop ppl can read normal posts and all.

I think it's been really long since i've said smth along this line that goes 'there's hb tmr ahhhhhhhhhhhh i'm so dreading it', HOWEVER, this time i will not dread hb thaaaat much haha because firstly i can get out of my house and secondly there are actually kpop fans there.


Okay mooooving on, I can't believe sezairi won! I mean, i don't even know how to spell his name! I didn't bother watching SI though cuz i had a feeling sylvia wouldn't win. I wanna go for the BLG concert though. BLG's album was the very first music album i legally bought for myself LOL. Then followed by mirotic and rising sun :) YES, I'm obliged to add that! haha

I'm dreading tomorrow. Not hb but just tomorrow in general. I have so many things lined up after one another it feels like my parents are trying to kill me. I hate chinese and i never wanna learn chinese again. Why can't singapore's second language and billingualism policy be a nicer language like KOREAN. Don't you think Korean is a cool language?

See, if we take Korean as our second language, we wouldn't have to wait longer than koreans for english subbed vids to come out on youtube! We wouldn't have to pay more just to get All About TVXQ vids in english sub, and we wouldn't have to memorise korean songs and sing not knowing what the hell we're singing about!

Like when i sing mirotic, i amuse myself like shit. And end up laughing. And i can't get ringdingdong's lyrics. Too fast and too koreanish. THAT'S WHY WE SHOULD LEARN KOREAN.

Or maybe Jap i'm fine with that too cuz dbsk's really popular in jap too but preferably Korean please :)

I don't even know why i bother ranting about wanting to learn Korean and not chinese here. Is not like sg or MOE is gonna actually do something anyway.

WHATEVER. It's 1:30am and i still have to do my stupid chinese compo letter writing whatever crap shit. Urgh angsty angsty. I HATE CHINESE! !@#$ LIKE HELL I DO! !@#$

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