Monday, December 14, 2009

Miami ink


Memories were fine, but you couldn't touch them, smell them, or hold them.
They were never exactly as the moment had been, and they faded with time.


Heydeehoooo. Today is MONDAY! MONDAYs are so disgusting and irritable. I hate mondays. I usually suffer from Monday Blues when it's school but now there's no school :) Oh but school is coming.

HAHAHAHAHA i hate mondays like seriously. And so what if it's Friday? What's with TGIF? I'm only happy when friday is over not when friday comes. Ah okay.

I have to start doing my hw tmr. Which means i have to start finding it today. Yeah okay. I will so totally finish it by 4th Jan. I hate 4th Jan. LOL.

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