Tuesday, December 22, 2009

One normal post


I bruise you, you bruise me
We both bruise too easily, too easily to let it show
I love you and that's all I know


One normalnormal post here! Haha okay, so the bkk trip was really good, i bought enough clothes to start a shop or smth. And my mom had to buy another luggage to fit all the clothes and shoes i bought so............. yeah. Maybe it's a way of releasing the stress and pressure of the approaching doom's day, 4th Jan.

Or maybe it's just me.

Ah, anyway, everybody's still away :) sorta. Sarah's coming back today i hope! I hope her flight back isn't cancelled :( I am so looking forward to the last day of a decent outing before i head back to the torture chamber.

Okay the plane rides back and fourth were well entertained by my 6songs playlist. And all 6 songs were korean songs WHICH IS WHY i was entertained cuz i didn't get bored of them. Unlike english songs where you can memorise every word and sing it in sync with every beat but korean songs- nooooo. I don't even understand a single thing except for their poorly spoken english (exception of dbsk who's english rocks socks, more specifically yoochun HAHA) OH AND I LOVE JUNSU'S KENYAN LANGUAGE LOL.

Okayyyyyyyyyy normal post right? Yes. Looking back at this 2009 year end holiday posts, there hasn't been a single sad sad one! Except for that one line on that went 'Honestly, i've never felt so alone in my whole entire life', you can scrap that one line and pretend it doesn't exist.

I have no idea what i'm rambling about hahahahha.

Okay that bigbig space there is the kpop paragraph. I changed the font colour to white so anti-kpop ppl can easly skip it. If you however, love dbsk and is a hardcore dbsk fan or you simply love jaejoong's face, then you can highlight it and read it :) And should i highlight this paragraph since it's also sorta kpopish? Nah.

HAHAHAHAHA im pretty sure my posts are getting more boring by the minute so if you're expecting those scandalous emo posts, THEY ARE COMING, NEXT YEAR! :) :) :)



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