Friday, December 04, 2009

Dinner <3


I just want to go to sleep
but you want to carry grudges.
Nine times out of ten,
I see the storm approaching long before the rain starts falling


I seem to be blogging super regularly now. Maybe it's cuz i only get out of the house at night for dinners etc. But anyway,

I can't believe i watched k vids (specifically jjoong's) till 5am in the morning.


Ah, Joyce should rush back now to brainwash me back to my i-love-indie-hate-mainstream-ENGLISH-songs self. !@#$

Okay it's probably a few more hours till i get out of the house again (yay) hahaha i shall get ready now and avoid being late. Yayzz 3 cheers for dinners at going out at night YAYZ.

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