Friday, May 08, 2009


It had been a long time in coming, like the swollen soot clouds of a coming storm, like the too-ripe fruit ready to fall, like the sun baking chocolate dirt desperate to bloom. So she let it come, the slow wet rising reaching her eyes, beginning to fall and fall.

Chinese was rather managable. A math ruined my day after.

It feels so dull and mundane to keep studying and studying and studying. And then panicking, seizures on their way, freaking out, running about to find the answer to that question out of the other 100 which you can't really figure out. It makes no sense why we have to go through such inhumane processes and "tests".

More like torture, don't you think.

On a much lighter note, 2 papers left! Bio and music. This whole week has been such a testing period of time. Tedious and annoying, my tolerence level was definately the lowest today since it's already been used from Monday - Thursday. (I. felt. so. tired.......)

This Sunday is Mother's day. I thought of getting her something from Coach but let's see, oh- I AM STAYING AT HOME ON SATURDAY. Can you imagine that, SATURDAY! I am so going to sleep until 1pm in the afternoon to make up for all the last minute hours of cramming everything in.

+ the fact that my mind will be wondering about everywhere tomorrow afternoon and i'm useless in the afternoon because Saturday Afternoons are meant to be highlighted and bold-ed, signifying that they are rather, IMPORTANT to me and that maybe it's because they are my free afternoons and i actually like, go out.

But fine. Take away my Saturday afternoon but don't you dare take away my tuesday afternooon/night. I will be going crazy on Tuesday after school so deal with it and screw off. I deserve it.

Okay this is so depressing. Sidetrack abit, girlfie do you still have a workable phone with you? I need talk to you T.T <<< hinthint

K i shall go burn all my notes (cept bio and music) and throw my textbooks out of the window. K fine you obviously know i'm exaggerating a little but one thing's for sure, i'm throwing my chemistry and physics notes out of the window.

Digress : Out goes my stiochiometry, acid bases and salts, salt and salt preparation, Mass weight and density(totally useless chapter) , turning effect of forces and work energy and power.

If i still feel bad i think chinese and a math is kind of going to face extinction too. My table feels so free and anti-depressing now without stupid chem and physics notes. Haha what a weird catharsis but it's supposed to be personal, no?

Off to gg(ing) and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :) Chuck Bass should have his own TV show, and i'll be recording every second of it haha!

And if you got through this whole post, WOW you're good. All my crap hahaha.

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