Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We must stop sleeping.
We better wake up before we start drowning.
You know we lie to ourselves, we lie to ourselves.

By all means, today pwns everyday since pre/post CTs. Seriously, we trooped off to the Science Center to do funfun stuff (wayyy better than bio and Emath, by a million miles). And we learnt many new kewl things too!

And finally after complaining for so v.long, i've got the same epiphany as 2006's, that is the fact that i would only go to school for friends, and friends alone. If they're not going to sch, don't even think about making me go there either. It's hell but it's better when they're around, so much better.

I did rather horribly for this term's CTs, and combined with last term's, i think horribly won't even be enough of a word to cover the extent of how badly i did.

Handbells today was rather.........................., HAHA sarah, (JESSICA JESSICA JESSICA) + PHOEBE = ISABEL + F^infinity. It's so disgusting la. Can't stand it. I don't want to go for HB camp anymore. It will so. totally. ruin. the. 3rd. week. of. my. June hol. Go stick your finger up ur S. Tsk(!)

K bye the weather in Singapore is enough to sublimate 3 eggs into the atmosphere, let alone fry them. I am so moving to Mongolia because http://www.aneki.com/sparsely.html it is kinda sparsely populated so..

(ps : i like sparsely populated coutries because we don't have to fight for the bare neccesities of life. Oh and there's no Wi Fi, hence my decision to isolate myself from self-created-inflicted problems of the urban life i am currently living in.

I will depart for Mongolia with my Passion Fruit Body Butter from Bodyshop, (Bread, chicken, chickenpaos), my dog, and Stickys which Fed Ex will send to me via air mail.

and Sashimi. For men cannot live by bread alone.)

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