Saturday, May 02, 2009



I'm so glad to have met all of you, and i'm even happier to have gotten to know you better this year/period/time. You guys, really, undoubtly rock handbells for me and w/o you all i don't know how i could've gotten through syf period. So, to future pracs and shopping trips and lunch/dinners and countless laughter/love, I LOVE YOU(!)


SYF & SOP was okay. I got through them without crying. Actually come to think of it, i haven't cried yet! Haha, I didn't get a chance to after SYF cuz it didn't get to me. I had no time to during SOP cuz everything was in a rush. And i had no room left in my heart to feel sad after SOP cuz sylvia and jia xuan made everything okay in the end. + God was always with me.

I know i felt disappointed though. Like devastated but not to the extent that i would actually cry.
On a lighter note, THANK GOD IT'S A HOL TODAY. I would've collapsed and died on the spot if i had to go to school today. Besides, CTs are this coming week. Kill me now. I went to Night Safari (LOL) today and didn't get a chance to actually sit and think of what to study. Let alone study actually.

I have to glue my ass to the chair tomrrow and chain myself to books. This is probably one of the times i wish i'd grown wings and timetravelled 10 years down the road.

HAHA okay morbid/weird thoughts aside, I think i'll get through this phase of life. As long as i have friends with me, i'd get through anything. Almost anything.


Don't let me down I gotta know
if something good could grow out on this rock
save me one more time
and I'll be free from the way I think it ought to be

sit and stay awhile
talk to me about the things that make you real
let's forget about all that make you and me surrender

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