Sunday, May 17, 2009

She said

It's thinking about all the memories and smiles.
It's thinking about all the sundrops and Sunday mornings, things we both love.
It's all the thinking I do, and knowing that I'll never have any of.
I could have it, but I won't.

I refuse to say it. I refuse to purge my blog and taint it with that 3 word phrase. I condemn the initials IMY and i will never, ever say that i do. Never again.

I need to get a life. More specifically, i need to get a new lover. One that would fly me to Boston, where no one knows my name.

School is beginning to scare me, let alone haunt me. 3 papers to be collected tomorrow, i'm bringing my tissue box and my Boyfriend Replacement Emergency Chocolate Kit (yes it exists) which i bought from Boarders and anyway, i figured failling is as good as breaking up so, what the hell.

This is going to be one hell of a week. Collecting papers and music practical tmr, Tuesday going back to revisit memories (LOL not that bad) I predict Tuesday will be full of fun and laughter but anyway.

Monsters inc, kbye!

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