Monday, May 18, 2009

For a love that wouldn't bloom

Clean up the mess and sleep the day away.
When you call, I might be here I might be gone.
But here at the sound of the bells you cry you've lost your mind.
But dear, don't be sad.. it's just a dream you dreamt you had.

I went back to mapling. LOL haha they have SG town and M'sia town and all the retarded monsters. And tmr i'm going back to visit P sch. Is this some kind of memory week? Haha but i guess i need it. A good break from everything.

Today was fine, i didn't collect most of the papers back, yet. Tomorrow will be it haha! Chem + Emath + Lit. Kill me :(

Kbye my ANTM starts in another 2 hours +- :(

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