Thursday, May 07, 2009

I still feel the same

Every heart is like a house of cards when the walls break down on you,
These are the trials of our youth.

Today was so shag. Chemistry literally blasted all my brain cells, till there were none spared out of mercy for physics. So, i am so prepared to fail physics that it's already in me. Hi how's physics Oh i failed.

*writhes in agony*

But for the first time in my entire life, i actually understood chemistry. A bit. My my brain was in retardation mode so i processed information with what you would call "super slow reaction" and that resulted in unabling to finish the paper. But i'm clinging on to that one tiny glimmer of hope that i'd pass. Quite tiny.

I stayed back and bing taught me modulas function, And it was damn funny. I actually laughed my ass off while studying math. Can't believe it.

Haha okay i'm off to kill myself with another round of alpha and beta crap + Log which irrates me till no end. Oh and chinese. But who cares about chinese.


Every heart is like a house on fire with escape routes in every room. These are the trials of our youth. But this charade, is never going to last. So pick the poison and pour yourself a glass, I, I, still feel the same. (No one's to blame) (I think i am to blame, actually)

I still feel the same.

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