Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Paper chase

And yet she still sits there smiling,
regardless of all the fake friends,
and the dreams that were forgotten.
regardless of all the guys she loved and
the hearts that were broken.

I feel better. I feel much better after the dreary afternoon in which thing only thing i ever did was to mope around. Seriously today's school was so tiring but the first part of it was fine. It was after chapel at @ the audi that totally ruined my entire mood/rest of the day. But whatever. I expected it. Just didn't expected myself to get so impacted by it.

And i wanted to go out today :( Haha but the nap really brightened me. The nap + 2 cups of Lipton tea. I've taken a strange liking to lipton milk tea haha. It's as good as hot chocolate actually! I love it.

Oh and this season's Americal Idol is the best shit man. I LOVE ADAM, yes one of the crazy adam-is-so-hot-i-wanna-strip-gurls. But you have to admit, he's really good. Kris was suprisingly good today too! And Danny. Man i love the top 3! But adam will win. I know it.

K bye, off to more sleeping. I'm gonna be nocturnal if i sleep anymore ahaha

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