Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I keep memories in bottled jars

Love triangles;
A triangle's not a friendly shape.
It's a point, it has sharp edges, triangles hurt people.

Chemistry was so expected, yet still v.shocking. I guess i couldn't get over the fact that i actually studied, like studied (yknow i don't study much) for it and i could still fail. Big Fat Fail.

But it's okay. After school helped, a bit. Went back to Psch with Celine, von and kelly. And i laughed like, a lot. Too bad i couldn't fulfill my purpose for going there, but i think deep down in all their dark hearts, they should know the truth themselves :D

Anyway, left at bout 3+ 4 and bus ride back with Celine was like major secret spill HAHA. But at least i know she believes me. And anyway i haven't seen her for the longest time already. Her earrings are so gay! HAHA.

K see that thing below that says (Here, love), it's actually a cut. So if i post something that's hidden in my front page you can actually see it there. If you click it. But usually i'll tell you if i will. And for this post, i will :)

We triped the light
And danced together to the moon,
But where was June.
No it never came around.
If it did it never made a sound,
Maybe I was absent or was listening to fast,
Batching all the words,
But then the meaning going past,

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