Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Knock you down

He wanted her,
she'd never tell :
Secretly she, wanted him as well

Today was one big blur. Can't really remember what i did today cept for Macs but other than that, i refuse to think back further because- simply, i am exhausted.

Sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down. Just get back up when it knocks you down. Sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down. Just get back up when it knocks you down, knocks you down.

After 2 terms, i'm drained. Too many memories- good, bad, too much work too much pressure too much stress, too many tears too many sulks, never enough laughs or smiles. Thank God after 2 terms we finally fit into places we know we belong to. In the beginning it was one big mess and now we've got it all sorted.

I love the people i go with now in school and aye, (this part of the post has been deleted due to inappropraite content)

Okay i'm officially sick of school and i can't wait for tomorrow to be over, seriously.

Byebye maybe i'd mass upload pics tmr or Fri, cuz yknow, it's like the last day before the v.much anticipated long awaited i-never-thought-this-day-would-come JUNE HOLS. :)

I never thought I'd be in love like this
When I look at you my mind goes on a trip
Then you came in, and knocked me on my face

I used to be commander and chief
Of my pimp ship flyin' high, flyin' high

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