Monday, May 25, 2009


I wish, and wish with all my might,
that sha won't come online tonight.

Haha Sha i know you so desperately wanna tag me as the swollen-butt babboon in your pics but can't you pause for a while, and do a little thinking of how i would feel :(

Anyway, i'm craving for KFC now though i'm settling for comfort food (nutella) and mapling doesn't really ease the anguish of having nothing to do. ANTM in an hour's time, can't wait.

Oh and i went to the zoo today. Things to note :

  1. Isabel is not a baboon, neither is she related to one.
  2. Sha is a baboon who ate pork sauced cheese fries.
  3. Sha should not post any pics tagged 'isabel' in relation to the baboons.
  4. Baboons have swollen butts when their ready to mate and it's damn disgusting.
  5. Sylvia should remove the picture and caption from her blog (re-emphasize point 1)
  6. Everyone should send me pics that we took in the zoo.

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