Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Even when you're not sure where you're headed,
it helps to know you're not going there alone.

Today was nice :) I did my bio in the library and got really distracted like every 15 mins and we ate this really huge mushroom and cheese sandwhich and took gazillion pics, therefore i have no way of uploading all of them cuz the files are too big and there are too many of them.

Oh by pics i actually mean unglams. And i wanted to do a short narration of sylvia for a post but the stupid photo files are fextremely big. (Decode fextremely)

And then we wandered around j8 (IT'S V.BORING), had a v.shiok bus ride and at last ended up at jx's house where we proceeded to eat pukka ice cream :D and take more unglams. And sing songs and recorded songs and then we went home :(

But it's okay. Jx wants to bring us to try paint ball yay! :D V.fexciting (!!) :D

K bye i'm off to decapitate my camera into a tiny million fragments because it sucks. So does blogger and facebook and all other websites that only allow a maximum of 2MB files to be uploaded. Seriously Foff, screw you!


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