Monday, June 29, 2009


At the end of the day,
there are some things you just can’t help but talk about.
Some things we just don’t want to hear,
some things you say cause there’s no other choice.
Some things you keep to yourself.
And not too often, but every now and then,
some things simply speak for themselves.

Today was a shitty day. It was a crap day and i hated today. Immensely. I slept at 2am after watching HI and woke up at 618, feeling v.grumpy.

Quite obviously school didn't help much AT ALL. Everyone turned into freaks over the hols and came back to school as weird-bird-like people. Okay i honestly dk what i'm talking about but everyone was just. just weird.

And i had to endure Music all the way to like 5 (Thank God one hour early) and now i have to rush my stupid chinese brochure. Why do we even have to learn chinese. WHY CAN'T I HAVE A CHOICE! YOU STUPID PEOPLE ARE FORCING ME AGAINST MY WILL.

Yknow what. I wanna die now. Like, now or never, i choose now. Or maybe i choose to watch Chuck and PD and drink tea and forget about my homework and what i need to do. I have, dementia.


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