Sunday, June 21, 2009


I am the dew on every hill
I am the leap in every womb
I am the fruit of every bough
I am the edge of every cliff
I am the hinge of every question

I am being forced to watch Hannah Montanna for the 2nd time. How bloody cruel is that. But on a lighter note, i've found myself a new trashy drama serial! :) And bought a new mega sized packet of tea from M'sia. AND i've got sims3 which i haven't started.

The sun is unbearable and i swear my room feels like a furnace. I hope(x999) that school opens one week later. I hate school. Hate, hate, hate it.

Okay i think my posts have been rather blahhh lately. Mid teen crisis LOL. Didn't go to church today.......... Wonder what that means.

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