Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I've always been a dreamer,
I've hid my head among the clouds.
But now that I'm coming back
down, won't you be my solid ground?

Okay i shall briefly tell you what i did today.

Finished Harper's Island epi8 on sylvia's annoying computer which (thankfully) was able to download the vlc player. And then i ate lunch and we went to catch 2 movies;

Ghost of Girlfriend's past (ended at 445) & Hannah Montanna (started at 445).

Hahaha okay Ghost of Girlfriend's past was oysingly suprisingly v.nice and i would seriously watch it again. Given a chance. There were quite several of tear-jerking parts and needless to say, jiaxuan cried and brawled HAHA. And sniffed.

Hannah Montanna was............ okay quite weird, but all the same, enjoyable. Nice songs actually, definately nicer than the previous album i guess.

K watching 2 movies tired me out quite, a, bit. Zzz k bye! :)

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