Wednesday, June 03, 2009

I wanna

Don't wish. Don't even start.
Wishing only wounds the heart.

I went to the science center today! And click (Here, love) if you wanna know the full details but it has many many words. Now i'll just continue spamming TC cuz TPCC's worth it :)

Sometimes I think you should wear a condom on your head because if you're going to act like a dick, you may as well dress like it.

I woke up before the heat could fry my brain cells to bits and took a bath and rushed out of the house and took a straight bus AND missed a stop because sylvia didn't know that there was a temple near her house. But i spammed GG season 1 with lays and coke after giving up on bio. :)

Lesson learnt- never, ever take the lift. Just take the escalator. It's so much easier. Oh and some people are sometimes just blindly blur at the wrong place and the wrong time.

Walked around Sci Center (free admission from Bing!), sneaked in Milo Mcflurry (t'was good) and took tri-consecutive pictures under the prospects of Temporary Cheap thrill Neon lights. Got drenched at water works.

Borrowed 7 books from Bishan library (I am becoming a nerd) and sat at the Galilea sipping hot chocolate, while my mind was whisked away into the world of Gilman's Cot. Underfoot, craquelure spreads and a chasm appears leading to the land of fire and spite. The twisted creatures cradle their scarred, disfigured faces and waning sunlight smites their blackened souls. Dauntingly good, without doubt.

My dad came to fetch me home! :)

K bye i'm off to spam tpcc :)

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