Friday, June 05, 2009


(A small excerpt from my rant-of-the-moment diary, not visible to the naked eye, neither visible to the clothed eye. In fact, sometimes it exists, sometimes it doesn't. I actually prefer to call it 'thoughts' but i guess i have so many, it's probably best to keep them in a small little diary up there somewhere in my brain.)

If you were to talk about just one particular context,
we should only say 'young and naive' once and once only.
Because i may be young and naive but i'd have learnt my lesson.
and the grave consequence of that mistake is already haunting me,

do no futher harm by mocking me with such downgrading slagger and, please,
let me move on.

II (my favourite)
People say I have my blonde moments,
and yes, I suppose that's true.
But the dumbest moment I've ever had
was the moment I became interested in someone like you.


Today was a busy busy day. And it will be for the next few too. I'm tired. And i'm tired of blogging as well. I'm sorry i've turned my blog into some kind of a disco blog with the Isabel Has Gone Mad Playlist. I guess my viva lachienne moment is over. Just like everything else.

Time is a merciless killer. But that fact alone barely scares me. It's the part where we are unable to hide from it, much less stop it. That's the thing that gets me the most.

Expecting the world to not treat you badly because you're a good person, is like expecting a bull not to charge at you because you're a vegetarian.

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