Wednesday, June 10, 2009


To love is to suffer.
To avoid suffering one must not love.
But then one suffers from not loving.
Therefore to love is to suffer,
not to love is to suffer.
To suffer is to suffer.
To be happy is to love.
To be happy then is to suffer.
But suffering makes one unhappy.
to be unhappy one must love,
or love to suffer,
or suffer from too much happiness.
I hope you're getting this down.

Today was ultra mega super hot. And the afternoon was kinda boring cuz ggs2 was being annoying and xbox sucked. And harper's island was quite nice actually. But megavid sucks as well :( I wanna watch Harper's Island!

But jumper was still, incredibly entertaining and i re-watched ggs2 again :) And Sylvia went crazy. Delirious. On drugs. Idk. Mac's fishofillet should not be trusted ever again. Haha, BUT, it was one of her i-am-crazy moments. Quite amusing actually! :D

Oooooookay, bye. I really hopehopehope that Sylvia was so delirious she'd have deleted all my unglams :D :D

K bye!

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