Thursday, June 11, 2009

Goodbye my almost lover

I've been reduced to promises.
I lie to myself cause I do it best.
I'm not honest with my intentions.
But still i pour concrete on the roots
just to make sure you'll never move.

Last night was fawesome! I scrolled through all my pictures and happily chatted until 3 in the morning but hung up cuz i was too sleeeeepy and tired :( But HAHA sylvia rocks for sending me Jx's unglams. I had hysterical giggling fits at that one. Yayz! :)

I need some fun in my life :( I wanna play paintball paintball paintball (!) And gosh, Sundays are becoming increasingly dreary and dreadful gah D: D: D: k bye i'm off to maple :)

Actually i think my posts are getting shorter each time but nvm! Kbye! :)

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