Tuesday, June 30, 2009

F language

don’t hesitate because growing up’s not that great.
you try to cry but you can’t and you don’t know why.
and there’s no more cotton candy and you toughen up.
yeah, you’re stronger. but is that better?

If sylvia can title her post 'genitals' why can't i post a related picture? :)

Today was partially horrible :( partially great :) Haha during break i found another F language speaking human, aka sha. And we both kinda suck(phuck) at it but oh well :)

Lunch was funny too. The black and white board game thing was fun and we went crazy with scrabble tiles after. And of course emphasized on the plain fact that tjy sucks. Haha and i hate the dental place/person. So annoying i haven't even done my dental!

And it was partially horrible because school is horrible. Lessons, teachers, notes, work. Annoyingly horrible.

I need to cut my hair. It's weighing me down and i think i'm being like pyscho trying to check whether i have splits or not. And there are so many July birthdays i'm gonna die. NVM i'll invest in a buck a cup :)

Okay byebye i shall marathon chuck. kbye!

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