Monday, June 22, 2009

I HATE HB (HelloBye)

Morning came and I tried not to notice,
it was time for you to move along.
The minutes fell like petals all around us,
when goodbye felt so wrong.

I really hated today.

I hate HB like fextremely, fextrodinarily, alot. Like, i'd rather eat a bug than withstand the traumatic 30 hours. Seriously. And my hands are so bruised, i can't clench them. At all. The bones are like swelling and red blisters are forming at the joints.

Worse comes to worse- i'll kill myself tmr if the voices in my head stop screaming profanities. Beeecause, that's when i know that it's finally passed my limit and i've gone insane. Smth like that. I don't even know what crap i'm sprouting now. It's hell. It's worse than hell- it's heller.

God save me.

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